About us
About us
Innovation for Change is a collaborative think tank that proposes new models and promotes people and organisation´s leadership to solve social and environmental challenges through collective action
Why Innovation for Change?
Because the world is facing unprecedented challenges and we need to find new ideas, concepts, strategies and initiatives to face them.
Because we want to create a planet where people and organisations are more aware of their role and responsibility as change agents to face social and environmental challenges.
Because we believe that the best way to do is to leverage collective intelligence and support and connect all actors interested in finding solutions, promoting synergies, alliances and collective actions.
Because finding new solutions requires thinking and acting differently.
Our Model
Through the think tank we enhance people and organizations´s awareness of their role as part of the solution, motivate them to take action and allow for more interaction and more innovation across actors.
Our Values
- The Value of People and Organizations. In order to have systemic positive impact, citizens and organizations from different sectors need to be aware that they are part of the solution, take responsibility, get involved and find ways to take action. They also need support, skills and knowledge to start thinking and acting differently.
- The Value of Collective Intelligence, Collaboration and Co-creation. “Substantially greater progress could be made in alleviating many of our most serious and complex social problems if citizens as well as nonprofits, governments, businesses and the financial sector were brought together around a common agenda to create collective impact”.
- The Value of Social Innovation as a driver to promote new ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet social needs (more effectively than alternatives) and create new social relationships or collaborations.
Our Team And Network
- Innovation for Change works itself as a collaborative think tank.
We have a core team of experts and practitioners that supports and coordinates the key activities and relies on a network of entrepreneurs and emerging leaders with different backgrounds committed to solving social and environmental challenges through innovation and collaboration.
We collaborate with other networks: